Innovative and “playful” tele-rehabilitation solutions tested in the field
After a successful kick-off in January ’22, the RecoveryFun project partners, through workshops in Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands, identified the functional and non-functional requirements of the technologies and the integrated platform with the involvement of different healthcare professionals.
For example, at the INRCA hospital in Ancona, Italy, they discussed with:
- The Head of the Neurology Unit
- The Head of the Rehabilitation Medicine Unit
- A Neuropsychologist
- Two Physiotherapists
- A Nurse
- A Physiatrist
Four workshops were organised with professionals divided into small groups.
The aim of these activities was to evaluate the functional requirement that the system must have in order to be able to be effectively used at home and to provide input for system design and development to technical partners. Each workshop, lasting about an hour, was organized with a general introduction to the project and to workshop objectives, a demo of the system, and a semi-structured interview based on requirements analysis provided by technicians.
After these workshops, a final session was scheduled among all professionals involved to share and discuss their points of view and perspectives.
The next step will be end user involvement to improve the requirements including experience.
Contact us for more information on the Recovery fun project