The pandemic has revolutionised everyone’s life, highlighting the importance of digitisation, agile working and smart working. Schools have experimented with distance learning and realised the potential of technology in various areas such as business, work, family, environment, security and social relations.
Today, we are exploring the development prospects of these transformations in crucial sectors such as business, education, social, health and industry. These changes are generating new ways of working, different work spaces and require new and innovative professional skills in everyday life.
The ongoing transformations, both at work and in society, raise questions about well-being in society, communities and the world of work. It is essential to reflect on the use of human resources, labour rights and the interactions between humans and machines.
This is the basis of the training project proposed by the Italian Trade Union Pensioners’ Organisations (SPI FNP UILP) and the Gender Policy Coordinators at the Liceo Galilei in Ancona. The course involves three seminar meetings of about two hours each and two training workshops.
On Thursday 8 February, engineer Lorena Rossi, head of the Operational Unit for Care Models and New Technologies at the IRCCS INRCA, spoke during the event about AI and Robotics in Medicine.
Eng. Giacomo Cucchieri illustrated the functions of the Nao robot, while Eng. Claudia Franceschetti showed the Visor in use with Recovery Fun.
The demos with the young students showed great interest in the Virtual Reality device not only from a technological point of view, but also related to home care.
Explore the future!