Consortium Meeting Ancona

On 28 and 29 June ‘22, the second Consortium Meeting of the European project RecoveryFun (after the first one in virtual mode) was held at the IRCCS-INRCA venue in Villa Gusso, Ancona (Italy), between IRCCS-INRCA and Tech4Care (Italy), Hochschule Luzern – iHomeLab and ZURZACH Care (Switzerland), Canary Technology Innovations (Romania) Unmatched eTrainm (Belgium).

The seven partners proficiently discussed the work done and next steps on project management; user perspective and requirements; architecture of the IoT system; development and VR interfaces solutions/exergames for older patients tele-rehabilitation and digital apps for caregivers and family members; dissemination exploitation activities. The next meeting is scheduled for the end of 2022, in Switzerland.

The short video-interview below records first greetings and impressions and presents the work in progress, with the IRCCS-INRCA as project coordinator, by some of the partners, namely CTO Cynric Huys (Unmatched); Eng. Paolo Olivetti (Tech4Care); CEO Iulian Anghelache (Canary Technology Innovations) and Dr. Sebastian Frese (ZURZACH Care). A successful two-day gathering in which it was possible to reflect together, also on workshops and technical sessions and, finally, sitting (closer) to the same table.

Contact us for more information on the Recovery fun project